April 26, 2024 - Downtown, Kent OH
Bonsky Heating & Cooling Adobe PARTA Kent Central Gateway ZenBusiness Holiday Inn Kent Bella Roofing Escott and Company
Wayside Furniture Jack Daniels Ken Ganley Chevy

Jack Fords

Here’s what folks have to say about Jack Fords. In other words, you need to see them play. Boy, howdy, do they play.

“The Ford’s music has a mean streak that appeals to both bikers and hipsters” Jeff Neisel, Cleveland Scene

“Foot stompin, beer drinkin barroom rock that will get you dancing” – Muffin Man, Rock Capitol Radio

“They meld definite Bob Dylan/Jack Kerouac, stream-of-conscious songwriting influences with greasy, hard-pumping rock” David Richards, Erie Times

The Jack Fords